Roger Williams Wants You to Email Him. No, Really.

In last week’s newsletter, Rep. Roger Williams asked constituents to email him at

Here is what he says:

I am compiling thoughts, opinions and firsthand accounts from my fellow Texans, so that my policies can be better tailored to fit your needs.

If you are an entrepreneur who feels like government regulation is preventing you from being competitive in your industry, I want to know about it. If you are unable to meet payroll because you are spending too much time and money on costly and unnecessary compliance measures, I want to hear your story.

If you think you are sending too much of your hard earned money to Uncle Sam or feel you are spending too much time filling out paper work this tax season, please tell me.

If you are finding out for the first time how difficult it is to get approved for a mortgage or any other kind of loan even though you are in good standing, write me.

Please share your story by emailing me at . I very much look forward to hearing from you.

So, if you are a constituent of Rep. Roger Williams’ TX-25, please share your story with him.

Since Roger is on record wanting to repeal the Affordable Care Act — with NO replacement — this is an opportunity to share your story of how the ACA helped you or someone you know. Maybe you couldn’t start your business until the ACA made health insurance more affordable. Or perhaps losing the ACA would force you to close your business because the costs of health insurance would be too high to continue. It doesn’t have to be about the ACA, but the more personal you can make your story, the better.

If your are not in TX-25, please do not email Rep. Williams. You can find ways to contact your own rep here

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